Wednesday, November 4, 2009

prayer request

hey friends!

We are in the city of Ulgii in the province of Bayan Ulgii in the very western part of Mongolia doing some training for vets that have come to this center to improve their vet knowledge and we have found internet access!

We won't write long but we wanted to write and ask for your prayers. We are wearing in our energy, patience, passion and ability to stomach the food. Every other day involves driving on bumpy dirt roads to the next county to continue with more training. Our group of 6 has been together almost 24-7 for 2 weeks in very confined spaces. It is really hard not knowing the language and having people talk all around you without having a clue what is going on. We hope we are making a difference but it is hard to say. Please can you pray that good things would come from all of this and that we would not be discouraged - that we would be content with however and whenever God chooses to use us and that his love and truth would be communicated. Please pray for patience for us as we are always working on other's people's schedules or lack thereof.

We will write more in hopefully a week or so when we are back in a major center.

Lots of love... craig & suzanne